What We Do

Language, Nature, Social Learning, Meals

At Bloomington Center for Global Children, our mission is to provide a multilingual and nurturing early education environment for young children that supports their physical and social emotional development while encouraging them to care for themselves, their community, and their planet.
We provide an environment that is rich in materials and experiences. We offer many opportunities to connect with nature and to explore music and art. Through teaching foreign language we seek to open and broaden children’s worlds. Ultimately, we are committed to meeting parents’ needs for the best educational experience for their children.


At Bloomington Center for Global Children, we offer immersion-based foreign language classrooms. Our infant and toddlers classrooms follow a full-immersion model. All teachers speak primarily in fluent Spanish to the children they care for.

In our Pre K classroom, we follow a dual-language model in which certain teachers speak Spanish to the children, and others speak English. We believe the most effective way of teaching a foreign language is by immersing children in the language while they learn and do other things.

Studies have shown that children who have had exposure to a foreign language from a young age demonstrate better problem-solving skills, more advanced reading skills and a greater grasp of their first language. They exhibit more confidence, a larger view of the world and greater flexibility in thinking. Up to a certain age, children simply absorb language without having to be taught it. Research has demonstrated that the younger they start learning a foreign language, the easier it is, and the more likely they are to master a native accent. Immersing them in a foreign language environment lays the groundwork for fluency.


Direct access to nature offers a multitude of possibilities to learn about the world around us. Science is an important focus of our curriculum. Our playgrounds are natural playscapes, serving as outdoor classrooms providing endless opportunities for hands-on science and math learning.

Studies showing the benefits of children playing in nature are numerous.  We have seen time and time again that when children play outside, they have fewer social conflicts, display greater cooperation and are generally happier. They have more opportunities for gross motor play and activity, leading to healthier bodies. It has been shown that children who play regularly in natural environments show more advanced motor fitness, including coordination, balance and agility, and they are sick less often (Grahn, et al. 1997, Fjortoft & Sageie 2001). 

Our children have their own gardens to plan, plant, tend and harvest. This further strengthens their connections with nature. Importantly, it helps them understand where our food comes from, and is a cornerstone of our focus to help children learn healthy eating habits. The garden also plays a paramount role in teaching children about sustainability and taking care of the environment.

Social Learning

We recognize that social learning is as important as academic learning during the preschool and nursery years. We teach tolerance and appreciation for the similarities and differences of others. We emphasize the virtues of respect, collaboration, self-regulation, communication and happiness.

We proudly follow the MindUP program. MindUP directly affects student learning, attitudes and behaviors by imparting knowledge of how the brain works and through the acquisition of social and emotional skills and strategies and enhanced self-awareness. MindUP is anchored in current research in cognitive neuroscience, evidence-based classroom pedagogy, best-practices mindful education, precepts of social and emotional learning (SEL) and guiding principles of positive psychology. MindUP is a family of social, emotional and attentional self-regulatory strategies and skills developed for cultivating well-being and emotional balance.

To learn more about this curriculum, visit their website: http://www.thehawnfoundation.org/mind


We provide breakfast, lunch, and snacks. The food we serve is prepared from scratch, using organic and local products. Our menus are designed to be wholesome and balanced.

Our goal is not only to serve delicious, nourishing meals, but also to teach children about eating healthily. Through the food we make, we introduce flavors from around the world.

For infants, we provide home-made organic baby food. Milk or formula is provided by the parents. We actively support the needs of families who breast feed.

We will do our best to accommodate children with specific dietary restrictions for health or religious reasons.


BCGC will not practice or permit any unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex, age, race, national origin, religion, physical handicap or disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic background or any other basis prohibited by law. BCGC will not discriminate in its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship programs, or any other school-administered programs.